The Decemberists United States

84 Prog-Adj61
[Awesome Production25, Awesome Songwriting25, Great Lyrics23, Great Composition24 and Great Musicianship25]
added by usefulidiot
Review by Mike published
Ominous Melodic Prog Folk Rock

"This is the Decemberists' crowning achievement. A masterpiece, mostly because of the consistently high level of quality in the tracks, telling a strange story, with the music covering so many styles and flowing seamlessly, making the whole release more powerful than any individual track."

Review by Mike published
Cynical Lush Prog Rock/Independent

"Awesome. Hard to describe what sets this apart from other prog concept albums. Aside from the flawless musicianship, the eclectic instrumentation and all the other trimmings you would expect, I guess for me it is the really sinister humor. If you are the type of listener who will pay attention to the lyrics, proceed with caution, and take them with a grain of (sea) salt."

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