King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard Australia

102 Prog-Adj104
[Great Musicianship16, Great Composition16, Great Production16, Great Songwriting16 and Good Coverart16]
added by Rivertree
Review by bardberic published , edited
Fierce Groovy Modern Prog Stoner Thrash/Rock

"So King Gizz finally does Prog Metal, huh? It's nothing new or original (when comparing this to the other Gizz material), and it lacks dynamism such that it all kinda sounds the same, but it's interesting enough to keep my attention all the way through. I'd like to hear them try a microtonal approach, if they want to venture into metal again - I think another thrash/doom album may overstay its welcome."

Review by Mike published , edited
Prog Stoner Doom

"Wow. KG have ventured into heavier territory in the past, but this puts it over the top. Granted, it's not a super-heavy guitar tone, so don't expect any black/death/djent vibes here. This is progressive doom metal, for the lack of a better term, with the typical KG quirkiness. And it's brilliant! I love it."

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