Obsidian Tide Israel

8 Prog11
[Great Composition2, Great Coverart2, Great Songwriting2, Decent Musicianship2 and Decent Production2]
added by Rivertree
Review by bardberic published , edited
Mystical Extreme Prog Alt Metal/Rock

"For fans of Watershed-era Opeth, Mabool-era Orphaned Land, and Exul-era Ne Obliviscaris. Lacks the Tool-esque alternative edge of the debut. This sophomore release probably has better songwriting, but I do not like the new "modern," as the band calls it, production/engineering techniques. Would be a much better rating if it were produced well like the debut instead of poorly like it is now... it''s way too loud, which is really unfortunate, as it sounds very compressed... this is why we can't have nice things ."

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