La Maschera Di Cera Italy

27 Prog27
[Awesome Production3, Awesome Musicianship3, Awesome Composition3, Awesome Songwriting3 and Great Coverart3]
added by Soul Dreamer
Review by Dirk published
LuxAde 2006

"This is a pretty good album apart from the long Enciclica which is uneven at best, i hope i will like it somewhat more in the future, have heard it pretty often already though.

Apart from this i have some problems with the vocals, they are somewhat harsh and grating something i encountered also in Banco's music and Zarathustra.

It has been argued that the singer of Banco is one of the best ever and that PFM don't really had a vocalist. This is all very well, each his own, Give me PFM vocals all the time though."

Review by Soul Dreamer published
LuxAde 2006
Symph Modern Prog Rock

"The best album upto now of 2006 IMO. This is high quality symphonic rock. Also the vocalist is excellent, he reminds me somewhat of Gabriel in his better years. The music has a hint of a mixture of ELP and Genesis, but with a strong Italian flavour to it."

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