Various Artists

488 Partially Instrumental6 Non-Prog417
[Great Musicianship353, Great Production353, Great Composition351, Great Songwriting342 and Good Lyrics328]
added by PowerWyrm
Review by Time_Signature published
Prog-Adj Thrash

"Yet another tribute to Metallica, which is quite good, but on most songs (95% or so), the vocal styles just don't suit the music. Either it's too soft, too screamy, too growly or just too lame. I guess it shows how much of a trademark Hetfield's voice is."

Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Metal

"This collection of Battle Metal (a weird and wonderful blend of Power Metal, Black Metal, Folk Metal, Symphonic Metal, Classic Heavy Metal, Dio era Rainbow, oiled up and battle-ready Manowar, Iron Maiden, Skyclad and many other larger than life things in Metal) illustrates how the genre balances on the border of being wonderfully larger than life and being totally ridiculous. It also documents how something typically associated with progressive rock - namely genre transgression - has paradoxically enough been used to develop a rather rigid but very entertaining genre within Metal. The noteworthy tracks are typically by artists who display virtuosic skills while obviously not taking themselves too seriously."

Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Metal

"It's no secret that Iron Maiden is best when played by Iron Maiden. Nevertheless, this tribute album does contain a number of well performed covers by respected musicians from all over the broad spectrum of heavy metal. Oh, and just listening to Lemmy singing 'The Trooper' is worth buying the whole album for."

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