
Review by Time_Signature published

""Wonderfool World" is the third full-length album from power metal power house Jevo's project Soulitude - a sci-fi themed power metal act.

As with the two previous albums, we are dealing with the heavier type of power metal, and Soulitude can be likened to Nevermore, Rawhead Rexx, Anubis Gate and Harrow in that respect. There are your typical power metal riff types, but these are combined with thrash metal style and classic metal style riffage, and there are even some melodic death metal influences on this album. And there are plenty of melodic and catchy choruses for the power metal-heads out there.

On the previous album "Destroy All Humans", Soulitude experimented with keyboards and other electronics, and at time even brought in effects that otherwise belong to the universe of Euro-dance so-called music. It worked really well on "Destroy All Humans", and Soulitude retain these elements on this album (the intro track "Into the Void" could trick one into thinking that one had purchased the next Lady Gaga album), and they also work wonderfully well here. I guess Soulitude has liberated them from the grasp of the evil slimy monster called techno dance music and set them free on the pastures green in the paradise of metal.

There is also an interesting metal version of David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes" - delivered in a thick, but charming, Spanish accent.

Recommended to fans of power metal.

(review originally posted on"

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