
Review by Time_Signature published

"If you like doom metal, you have to acquire this classic. While very obviously inspired by the likes of Candlemass (there's even a silly Candlemass-like narrative voice on one of the tracks), "Into the Depths of Sorrow" is nonetheless original in its own way. Firstly, it contains several heavy riffs that are based on Middle Eastern scales, which has more or less become a trademark of SA's. Secondly, the incorporation of power metal elements (and eastern influences) creates a genre that is not as blues inspired as many first generation doom bands were (still, there are some cool pentatonic riffs on this album). Thirdly, SA's compositions one this album are more complex than was typical of the doom metal at the time. And lastly, there's Rob Lowe's voice - that in itself is worth buying the album for."

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