
Review by DamoXt7942 published

"Short songs but with powerful synth plus orchestration and paranoic voices in it...a hard-to-categorize musical style as before.

The theme is exactly a Japanese Dadaism named "Taisho-Romanticism", shouted about a hundred years before in Japan. The members of Guernica veiled themselves antique dresses and archaic words & music, produced by a talented multi-instrumentalist Koji UENO, a voice bewitcher Jun TOGAWA, and a terrifically illusionary artist Keiichi OHTA. The songs here have, just as the previous ones, frequent rhythm alterations and quick changes of the scenes, far from the current pop- or media-ism. Even only the instrumental plays on her background are so avantgarde and progressive, and Jun's mysterious and paranoiac voices can completely immerse us listeners into her psychotropic caravan. Yes guess almost all of progressive rock fans have not known about Japanese old-fashioned songs at all but let me say they should have such flavour as GUERNICA - loud and exaggerated horn sections, inorganic and strict-for-tone voices, and a bad recording condition (oh, it's not here...sorry). GUERNICA went ahead and showed antique, archaic, and artistic technique on a progressive way. my humble opinion, surely...GUERNICA will be progressive forever all around the world."

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