
Forevermore 2011

2 Non-Prog Hard Rock/Hair Metal
Review by Time_Signature published
Non-Prog Hard Rock

"Whitesnake's musical jorney has been one of hard rocking Deep Purple-inspired rock (Coverdale has served with Purple after all) over commercial poppy glam metal and, after Coverdale revived the band in the late noughties, back towards the classic style of hard rock.

"Forevermore" offers melodic, but certainly not poppy, hard rock, containing classic style guitar riffage, catchy choruses and both shreddy and bluesey guitar solos along with a coupld of ballads. Coverdale's voice is awesome - listening to him on this album, you wouldn't think that he is not exactly young anymore. It's raw and bluesey yet clean and even soft when required.

There's no innovativity whatsoever on this album - and everything has kind of been heard before. But do we want innovative hard rock? No, not always. Classic hard rock is best in its original conventional form, and Whitesnake delivers that on this album.

(review originally posted on metalmusicarchives.com)"

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