Mustaa Jäätelöö

Risteysten Rajoissa 2022

1 Lo Fi Exp Prog Art World
added by DamoXt7942
Review by DamoXt7942 published
Prog World

"Dark, meditative but charming musicscape completely catches my heart strictly. "Risteysten Rajoissa" released in January 2022 was created by Finnish female duo Mustaa JÄÄTELÖÖ & YÖVISIO as a improvisational material collection composed from 2021 until 2022. Mysterious, weird sleeve pic is also enchanting but the content is much more addictive, featuring two female delicate (but not-so-good) voices, dissected synthesizer-oriented electronika, crazy cluttered percussion blowouts, and somehow heavy decent bass playings. Such a dissonant impression reminds me of the similarity to Blumen Des Exotischen Eises or Semool, some Krautrock obscurities. I guess this creation would be born and developed in an unplanned manner and recorded, released by unbelievable momentum. Yes 'improvisation' should be produced under such an unexpected opportunity and be great for this reason.

The first shot "Kasvun Vaiheet" is eccentric from the beginning. Intriguing distortion launched by kinky percussion is kind of magic. Sincere rhythmic nations by the bass could stabilize our mind, but globally the musical view in this prologue can be called unstable (but this instability is fascinating too). "Matkustat Kamomillapeltoon" involves delightful flavourful texture based upon a tiny, monotonous single tone by synthesizers. Their quiet sensitive chorus seasons bright flowers to the monotone. In "Eluaatio" accordion (bandoneon?) sounds are quite fascinating. Not so unificated but very mystic the sounds make a speech to the audience as they want, along with the artists' intentional inspiration. The fourth titled track "Risteysten Rajoissa" is the shortest one (about one and half minute long) but well deserved for the titled masterpiece. The bass sounds are incredibly tight and lyrical, and rock-ish due to heavy industrial pressures. The same thing can be felt also in the epilogue "Satakieli", where loose, dizzy but optimistic melody lines and dark, dignified bass playings are seriously wondrous. The basic instrument and impressive play should definitely make us happy, and provide a clear hope for the future.

As an official opus, it's a shame this album cannot be solidified nor refined. But who cares? This production is a kind of hallucinogenic agent, like authentic Krautrock albums. You can enjoy even under such a tough situation nowadays."

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