Solitude Aeturnus

Beyond The Crimson Horizon 1992

2 Haunting Non-Prog Doom
added by aapatsos
Review by Time_Signature published
Haunting Non-Prog Doom

"Ah... doom metal from the depths of depression, "Beyond the Crimson Horizon" is a really melancholic and heavy, melodic and inspiring release. When I was a teen, I listened to this album extensively on my walkman till somehow my cassette tape was lost, and, yesterday, I found "Beyond the Crimson Horizon" in CD-store in Copenhagen. And so, I bought it, went home and rediscovered it, only to find that, so many years down the line, I still think it's the coolest doom metal I've ever heard.

This release contains some really, really cool, heavy, doom-laden guitar-riffs, some of which are ground-breaking (or were, at the time) and innovative, while others are classical doom riffs. The vocals are, while not as complex as those of John Arch, melodically complex and hauntingly otherworldly as they often follow exotic melodic patterns. Following the likes of Black Sabbath and Candlemass, SA's compositions on this album are quasi-complex with time changes aplenty, but without it becoming too much for mainstram ears. This album is the epitome of melodic doom metal!"

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