Glass Hammer

Arise 2023

6 Symph Prog Space Rock/Metal
added by tsudduth24
"They cannot be pinned down to a specific style of music, and so on this occasion we have a Space Rock odyssey at hand, excellently worked out, needless to say." (Rivertree, , full review)
Review by Rivertree published , edited
Symph Prog Space Rock

"A band that cannot be pinned down to a specific genre respectively style of music. And so on this occasion we have a Space Rock odyssey at hand, featuring an android as the protagonist. Meant as a spiritual excursion in the same way this is excellently worked out from the band that is headed by multi-instrumentalist Steve Babb, needless to say. Hannah Pyror's crystal clear vocals are a counterpart to the mostly heavy loaded, slightly dark mooded atmosphere."

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